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Gift From Within Tour – a journey to save lives
28 November 2018 ( Admin )

Submitted by Eileen Zheng, Kidney Donor Vancouver British Columbia. I envisioned helping my mother over 8 years ago when she first declined to take my kidney; she was uncertain of my future, the health risks and the changes that it may bring. Today, a year after our transplant surgeries and doing extremely well, we realize …
Live On Regithon #PledgeToSaveLives Organ Donor Registration Drive
( Admin )

We know Canadians believe in organ donation, but not enough of us have made plans to donate. In fact, our organ donation rates are lower than many other countries, including the US. In addition, as our population ages the demand for organ transplants will increase. On April 14th through 28th, we are asking Canadians to show …
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